Sunday, 10 April 2011

Alumni Association - Suresh Gyan Vihar University

Alumni association has distinguished itself at the national & international levels. It has spread far and wide globally and made Suresh Gyan Vihar University made proud by excelling themselves as academicians, administrators, scientists, scholars, entrepreneurs  and technocrats. Several of them have reached heights of excellence in their respective fields and are significantly contributing to the socio-economics development of the nation & world at large.

The main purpose of setting up SGVU Alumni Association is to provide a forum to facilitate interaction among the SGVU alumni all over the world. It helps to relive nostalgic memories of the alumni during their days at SGVU. It conjures up vivid memories of yester years, rich heritage and tradition of the past, which shaped our university. Over the year we have crossed several milestones, made significant contributions to the advancement of knowledge & kept pace with the changing times and needs of new generation. We are now surging ahead to become a pace setter in the field of higher education with an international outlook & global outreach. We are working on strengthening ties with current students and of course reconnecting alumni with friends, colleagues & teachers. We offer an array of events & activities throughout the year.